Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Ouija: Magic Conch, Will I Ever Get Married?

My mom and dad have been married for 21 years, but they didn't know each other in school. In fact they didn't even meet until after they'd both graduated from high school, since my dad went to Santa Maria and my mom went to St.Joseph. When my mom and my Tía Jenine were still in high school, my Tía decided to ask who my mom was going to marry. The planchette moved across the letters E-R-I-C M-O-R-A-, but before it could finish, my mom freaked out and took her hands off of the planchette. They both laughed and thought that the board was talking about some other boy, since neither of them had met my dad. My dad's name is Eric Moran. Seems like more than a coincidence that nearly his entire name was spelled.

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