Thursday, July 23, 2009

Ouija: Rusty

One day, my friends and I were hanging out at my house. Like most high school kids our age, we got bored, and decided to play a rousing game of ouija to enliven out spirits. We encountered a strange character named Rusty. Interestingly enough, one of my friends was wearing a t-shirt with a Rusty logo on it, which seemed to be more than just a coincidence. We tried asking questions, but every time we did, the planchette would move quickly through all the letters and numbers--or at least it would try. Previously, we had learned that when a spirit does that, it is trying to escape the board, so we were careful to remove our hands from the planchette once we realized what was going on. Getting no answers was no fun for any of us, so we bid the spirit adieu and waited a few minutes before trying again. When we asked what the next spirit's name was it said Rusty, again, so we asked if we could talk to someone else. The names it gave us were merely random letter combinations. We asked if it was Rusty and the board said no, but when we asked if it was lying, the response was affirmative. We tried switching rooms, cleansing the board with sage and even went outside, but the spirit wouldn't leave us alone. When we tried to play outside again, the board told us it was the devil and after that we stopped playing altogether.

Thankfully we never encountered that spirit again, but it was strange that it followed us wherever we went. It probably called itself "Rusty", because of my friend's shirt trying to lull us into a false sense of security. He came on a little too strong.

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