Monday, August 10, 2009

Foster Road

There is an old legend, that a man once drove down Foster road in the early hours of the morning. When he looked in his rear view mirror there was a woman in white staring at him in his backseat laughing. It is said, that if you drive down Foster road around midnight the woman will appear in your backseat, too.

Friday, August 7, 2009

Wake Up

Years ago, my Nino Anthony was stabbed. He started driving home to get help, but before long, he began losing his vision, and eventually he started falling asleep from the blood loss. As my Nino was about to hit a parked car, he heard the voice of his deceased Uncle Robert yell at him to wake up. He then proceeded to guide him home. Upon arrival, he collapsed in the doorway of his house and his family took him to the hospital. He believes his Uncle was watching over him and helped him stay awake long enough to get help.

Various Types of Ghosts

Author: Sean M. Clarke

You have read volumes about ghosts and have browsed hundreds of websites to devour more information on ghosts, but have you ever wondered how many types of ghosts there are? The fact is that there are various types of ghosts out there and all these are minutely described and documented by the Spiritual Science Research Foundation (SSRF).

The Spiritual Science Research Foundation has undertaken extensive research on ghosts in order to demystify this widespread phenomenon and help people in recognising and treating the adverse effects caused by ghosts through proven methodology according to the science of Spirituality.

At the outset, it is important to note that while we use the phrase ghosts (demons, devils, negative energies, etc.) as a collective noun to cover the entire gamut of negative energies, there is a vast difference between the lower order ghosts and higher order ghosts such as subtle sorcerers (maantriks) from the sixth and seventh region of Hell. They differ according to their spiritual strength. Ghosts primarily use their spiritual strength to harm humanity.

The generic types of ghosts as identified by the Spiritual Science Research Foundation in ascending order of hierarchy as well as power and strength are:

  • Common ghost

  • Demons

  • Black serpent

  • Female goblin

  • Jaakhin

  • Witch

  • Spirit

  • Subtle sorcerer

  • The Hierarchy among Ghosts

    There is a hierarchy among ghosts which is based on their spiritual power or strength. Ultimately all ghosts are controlled by subtle sorcerers (maantriks).

    Basic shape and form of types of ghosts

    The spiritual principle that word, touch, form, taste, smell and its associated energy coexist is also true with ghosts. Depending on their type of energy, they take up generic forms. These forms can however change, depending on what the ghost is trying to achieve. For example, if the ghost is trying to intimidate, it will take up an intimidating form, whereas if it is trying to fool a spiritual healer it may take a form of an angel or a positive energy. They can also take the form of our departed ancestors thus misleading psychics and the people who come to psychics to enquire about departed relatives. This is true in almost all cases.

    How does one become a Ghost in the first place?

    When a person dies only his physical body ceases to exist. His subtle body however continues to exist and moves on to the other regions of the Universe. Some of these subtle bodies become ghosts. Most ghosts have unfulfilled desires such as cravings for sex, alcohol, revenge, etc. or derive pleasure out of exerting control over and tormenting humans and other subtle bodies. The subtle body of a person after physical death is defined as a ghost if their characteristics and intentions match the above. There is no special process as such which they go through to become a ghost.

    How does a Ghost become a particular type of Ghost?

    The main reason behind a person becoming a certain type of ghost is due to their predominant personality trait and their predominant thought at the time of death. For example people involved in adversely affecting humanity at large are more likely to become subtle sorcerers (maantriks). On the other hand excessive worldly desires and constantly thinking ill about others may culminate in one becoming a Common Ghost (Bhoot) after death.


    The most reliable way of reducing the risk of being affected or possessed by the various types of ghosts, is undertaking spiritual practice as per the 5 basic principles of spirituality. Spiritual practice and spiritual healing remedies, coupled with personality defect removal and eradication of ego are the tools to access supreme protection from God that insulates one from the attack of ghosts as well as helps us proceed to higher regions in the afterlife.

    Visit SSRF’s website to explore more on the salient features of the various types of ghosts, view subtle drawings and pictures of various types of ghosts and discover how they can affect our lives:

    More at: Ghosts

    About the Author:

    Sean M. Clarke has been studying and practicing Spirituality with the Spiritual Science Research Foundation (SSRF) over the past 9 years. An MBA graduate from Monash-Mt Eliza Business School, Australia. Sean gave up his regular career as a Strategy and Business Analyst in the technology sector to help co-ordinate dissemination of SSRF research material as a full-time volunteer.

    Article Source: - Various Types of Ghosts

    Thursday, August 6, 2009

    Ghost Hunting 101

    Author: Dr. Rita Louise

    Do you hear bumps in the night? Does your hair stand on end when you walk into a room? Maybe you feel as if someone is watching you or perhaps you think you see someone out the corner of your eye, but when you turn to look no one is there? What you may be encountering in those unsettling moments is a ghost. So before you go running out of your house screaming, let's take a moment to talk about ghostly encounters and those that investigate this phenomena.

    A ghost is believed to be the spirit or soul of a person who has remained on Earth after death. When a ghost has taken up residence in a location, it is referred to as a haunting. There are two different ways in which a ghost inhabits a location. The most common type of haunting is a residual haunting. A residual haunting is typified by ghostly energy that is static or goes through a number of movements over and over again. It can be likened to watching a movie clip that repeats itself or a record album that has a skip in it, causing the needle to jump back to an earlier point on the album and begin again.

    The second classification of haunting is the classic haunting. In a classic haunting the ghost displays intelligence and interacts with the people in the environment. It is not uncommon during a classic haunting for items to be moved around, for lights or electrical appliances to turn on and off, to hear voices our sounds out of nowhere or to be touched, tickled, stroked or even shoved. These ghosts often reflect the personality of an individual, even after their death. With this type of haunting, the aroma of flowers, perfume, cigarette smoke or other scents that are associated with the individual are often detected.

    So whether you think you are being haunted by a ghost and want to have a group of trained professionals to come to your home or are interested in investigating all that goes bump in the night, but don't know where to begin, here's some information that can help you get started.

    It is held that ghosts are electro-magnetic in origin and they create these fields when trying to manifest into this dimension. The energy that is given off by a ghost causes disruptions in the locations magnetic field, thus making it detectable by specialized equipment and psychics alike.

    Because the presence of a ghost can be detected by specific types of equipment, a ghost hunter can become well equipped with a number of affordable pieces of equipment, many of which you may already own. From basic to advanced, there are many different types of equipment you can use to detect an otherworldly presence. For someone thinking about participating in an investigation, this doesn't mean you have to own every piece of equipment in order to perform a reliable investigation. It does mean that you should at least possess a basic set of tools to use.

    Basic Equipment

    35mm or Digital Camera For a beginner, having a camera is probably the easiest and least expensive way to begin. Pictures, whether digital or recorded on film can capture paranormal activity, activity that is often invisible to the naked eye. This is especially true in the case of documenting the presence of orbs and ectoplasm.

    Notebook & Pen or Pencil Simple as this may be, it is always a good idea to have something to record any notes, findings or experiences you may have during an investigation.

    Flashlight Many times an investigation will take you to a dark or foreboding location such as a cemetery, old warehouse, abandoned building or other place that is dark or without electricity. In these instances you will need to have a portable light source.

    Extra Batteries Depending on the paranormal activity of a location, batteries oftentimes will mysteriously and unexpectedly lose their charge leaving you in the dark. Regardless of the type of equipment you use, make sure you bring extra batteries along to replenish depleted ones.

    Intermediate Equipment

    EMF Detector The Electromagnetic Field Detector is probably one of the most important pieces of equipment to own if you are serious about doing an investigation. In addition to detecting the energy fields of ghosts, it is a key tool to use when taking baseline readings of a site. A baseline reading is a preliminary evaluation of a location, where investigators identify any existing or man made electromagnetic fields such as those created by power lines or electrical appliances.

    Digital Video Camera Video cameras can be a useful investigation tool. Unlike still cameras, a video camera will document any activity in its entirety including the length of time the phenomena occurs, the surrounding conditions, as well as the phenomena itself. A tripod to rest the video camera on is also helpful, especially if it is going to be left in a stationary position to record the activity in a specific location.

    Tape Recorder with an External Microphone There is no better way to capture EVP's (electronic voice phenomena) than through the use of a tape recorder. Whether using a traditional tape recorder with high quality tapes or a digital recorder, an external microphone should always be used. A detached mic will eliminate the sounds of internal gears and turning wheels that can contaminate your recording.

    Advanced Equipment

    Motion Detectors Motion detectors can be used to sense the movement of unseen forces. Many need to be plugged in to an outlet, but battery operated ones are also available. Before you go out and buy one, decide which type will best support you investigatory needs.

    Thermal Scanner A thermal scanner or non-contact thermometer can be used to detect rapid temperature changes. A change of ten degrees or more from the ambient temperature (the temperature of the surrounding area) can indicate an ethereal presence.

    Psychics As An Investigative Tool

    In addition to tools such as cameras, meters and gauges that are used by ghost hunters, many groups also utilize the services of trained psychics as a means of gathering information about a site. This is the role I play when working with ghost hunting groups.

    Finding a true psychic to work with can be a real asset to the quality of your investigation. They can play an invaluable role in supporting the efforts of any paranormal investigation. Like a good piece of equipment, a psychic can help to detect anomalies as well as provide additional insights into the nature of activity encountered.

    If your group decides to include the use of a psychic as part of the investigation team, there are a few items that should be considered. To maximize the objectivity of the investigation, it is critical that the psychic go into a location "cold". This means that they do not know the details of the location or of any activity that may have been encountered by other members or the property owner. Telling the psychic the history of a property can cause the individual to become "contaminated", which can make it difficult for them to differentiate what they perceive from what they have been told.

    Conducting An Investigation

    With at least a basic kit of equipment in hand, you are now ready to explore the world of paranormal phenomena. Before you begin, there are a few ground rules to consider. First, never go on an investigation alone, in addition to personal safety, you never know what may happen. Next, consider the fact that ghost hunting groups are often judged by their behavior and professionalism so always try to be respectful of the people, places and situations you may encounter.

    To do an investigation, the first step is to select a location. Locations can include cemeteries, old buildings, historic sites, private homes and businesses. Always get permission to be on a site. This will keep you from getting in trouble for trespassing. Before you begin a formal investigation it is a good idea to do some research on the site. Talk to the owner, check out old newspapers, or contact the local historic society to see if anything happened there in the past. It is also a good idea to evaluate the terrain for potential hazards or/or to identify places where you can setup stationary video cameras, motion detectors or tape recorders.

    Most investigations occur after dark, between the hours of 9pm and 6am. These hours are considered the "psychic hours" and are believed to be the best time to record paranormal activity.

    When you get to the selected location, walk around to get a feel for it. Next, set up any stationary equipment and take baseline readings of the site. Then let the investigation begin. Take pictures, shoot video, record for EVP and take meter readings. Take them everywhere and anywhere, especially if you feel something or get a reading on another piece of equipment. When you are done walking around a site, turn your stationary equipment on and let it run while you and your group are out of the area.

    When you have finished collecting your data, it is time for analysis. Here each picture, video and tape is reviewed for evidence of a haunting. This is probably the most important part of any investigation. As you review your materials, be skeptical. Look for earthly causes of any phenomena. Was someone smoking in the area? Was the room or location dusty? Where there reflective surfaces that could be the cause of the anomaly in your image? It is important to make sure your evidence will stand up to scrutiny by eliminating any other explanations. This will give your data more credibility.

    As you pore over your data, what you will find is that not every location you go to will have ghostly activity. You may discover that many of the things you initially detected during your investigation actually have real world explanations as opposed to supernatural ones. What keeps many ghost hunters going is that one-in-five chance that this investigation will be the "real" thing.

    When your analysis is done, presenting your finding to the home or property owner or sharing your results with others is often done. Many groups also post the results of their investigations on their group's website, thus share the outcome of their investigation with the rest of the world.

    If you are interested in ghost hunting or think your have a ghost hanging around in your local, there is a plethora of information available on the worldwide web. Here you can find articles about ghost hunting in general, stories of other people's ghostly encounters, places that sell ghost hunting equipment and even sites hosted by ghost hunting groups in your geographic area.

    So if you think you are hearing bumps in the night, don't be afraid it just might be a ghost!

    © Copyright Body, Mind & SoulHealer ( 2006. All rights reserved.

    About the Author:

    Dr. Rita Louise, Ph D is a Naturopathic Physician and the founder of the Institute Of Applied Energetics. It is her unique gift as a medical intuitive that enlivens her work. Let Dr. Rita assist you bringing health, healing and wholeness back into your life. Visit or for more information.

    Article Source: - Ghost Hunting 101

    Tuesday, August 4, 2009

    Ouija-They're Coming For You

    There was a woman who lived across the street from my Tía Jenine on Western. After her parents died, she started playing the ouija board. It told her to board up all of the doors and windows, because people were coming to take her away. After awhile her neighbors noticed that the yard was looking really overgrown, and the windows were boarded up. They also hadn't seen their neighbor in quite some time, so they called the police. A few days later, the woman was take to an insane asylum. She had been driven insane by the ouija board.

    The Ghost of Walt Disney?

    My Tía Jenine and her friends tried to do a seance to talk to the ghost of Walt Disney. they sat around in the dark with a candle, but nothing was really happening. At one point, the candle blew itself out and then re-lit a few minutes later. At that point, everyone ran out of the room. Probably not Walt Disney, but still pretty creepy. This occurred at her old house on Western in Santa Maria.

    Saturday, August 1, 2009

    The House on Tyler Drive

    Our house was formerly owned by an elderly couple who had lived here a long time. When my parents bought the house, the woman's husband had died, which is why his wife was moving out. Although we were not told that he died in the house, sometimes people return to familiar places after death.
    A friend of mine once saw someone walk past the door of my room late at night when everyone else was in their rooms asleep.
    My sister believes her room is haunted. She said that on a few occasions, she heard footsteps on the carpet around midnight. They sounded like they were coming towards her bed from the door. Too afraid to look, she put her headphones on to block out the sound and turned on the light, but no one was there.
    She has also heard her door knob shake violently on various occasions. She thought that it was just a joke by one of us, but when she looked out of her room no one was there. She looked through the house, but noticed that we were all outside.
    On another occasion, a toy went off in the middle of the night. Our dad had bought us these monkey sling shots, and when you pressed them or threw them, they made monkey noises. Jackie's hadn't worked shortly after she'd gotten it and it had been in her closet on the floor. In the middle of the night, when everyone was asleep, it went off really loudly. My brother heard it and it woke me up, too. My sister was terrified and came into our room, because she was too afraid to sleep in hers after that. In the morning, we found the toy on the floor where it had always been and there was nothing next to it that could have set it off. We tried pressing it and throwing it, but it didn't seem to be making any noise. Upon closer inspection, we realized that we could hear a low screech coming from the monkey, but it was inaudible from far away and it sounded like the battery was close to dead.
    In the living room, there is a clear view of the hallway. One night while we were watching a movie, my sister saw a man wearing a hat staring at all of us from the hallway. After a short while, he disappeared.

    I've never had any personal experiences in this house, and no one else in the family has mentioned anything, but a few of my friends who are sensitive to ghosts have told me that they thought something was here. I'm glad I haven't seen anything; I like being able to sleep at night.

    The Return of the Ouija

    My Tía Jenine used to have a ouija board, but eventually her brother told her to get rid of it. He thought it was evil and didn't want it in the house anymore. His sister gave in and threw the board away. The next day, he saw the board in the table and asked my Tía why she hadn't gotten rid of the board. She told him that she had and was shocked to see that it had somehow returned. No one else in the house would have removed it from the trash or even wanted to keep it. In my family, most of us are Catholic, so we are taught at an early age that ouija boards are instruments of the devil and not to play with them. Needless to say, my Tía's parents wouldn't have rescued the board from the trash either. Eventually they burned the board and it didn't come back again.