Saturday, August 1, 2009

The Return of the Ouija

My Tía Jenine used to have a ouija board, but eventually her brother told her to get rid of it. He thought it was evil and didn't want it in the house anymore. His sister gave in and threw the board away. The next day, he saw the board in the table and asked my Tía why she hadn't gotten rid of the board. She told him that she had and was shocked to see that it had somehow returned. No one else in the house would have removed it from the trash or even wanted to keep it. In my family, most of us are Catholic, so we are taught at an early age that ouija boards are instruments of the devil and not to play with them. Needless to say, my Tía's parents wouldn't have rescued the board from the trash either. Eventually they burned the board and it didn't come back again.

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